< Services

Trade Finance

The current Trade Finance gap between demand of funding and supply is estimated at $1.5 trillion USD worldwide. Melenco aims at Global growth to make international trade possible by bridging that gap with our financing solutions.

As the banking sector becomes more risk-averse and hesitant to lend money to producers/manufacturers, an opportunity is created for private investors to help high quality companies located in emerging sourcing markets sell their products to corporate buyers with strong credit ratings in advanced economies.


Access to bank entities, letters of credits, insurance, escrow services, and other financing options

Manufacturers & Producers

Exporters in emerging markets that require working capital for production, bridge payment terms or Incoterms, can access funding at market rates.


Private and Institutional investors looking for interesting returns on capital and diversification, in relatively short sales cycles (60 to 180 days).


Our Trade Finance solutions can be catered for every investment partner and risk tolerance level. Our added value relies in enhanced control over each transaction, taking title of the underlying commodity and managing end-to-end logistics, to mitigate credit, product and supply risks.


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